WXN Labs LGD - perfect for building strength and muscle mass
WXN Labs LGD it can be said that this most powerful of SARM, gives the best results in the increase of muscle mass and strength. Ideally suited to be used as a single agent but also in combination with other sarms.
The recommended dose of 10 mg, the absolute maximum of 15 mg. WXN Labs LGD does not convert and does not increase estrogen so with a proper diet perfect for building muscle mass very good quality, without undue water or fat.
Like all SARM’s acts selectively on bone and muscle tissue because originally was to be used as a drug stop loss and muscle breakdown.
With considerations on the unmethylated form does not constitute a threat to the liver or stomach.
Beginners are recommended not to exceed 10 mg per day.
Serving Size: 1 Servings Per Container: 60
Amount Per Serving:
LGD-4033 5mg