170.00 L RON

OLIMP - GLUTAMINE XPLODE Powder - 500g / 50 portions


4...3...2...1...0 XPLODE!!!

It is high time to find out how GLUTAMINE XPLODE with innovative VIT-A-MIN SuperCharge in 3 delicious flavours - pineapple, lemon and orange - works!


We have decided to satisfy our clients' requirements (raising the bar for ourselves and for the supplementation market) and introduce a truly innovative product composed so that it limits muscle injury after physical training to the maximum and effectively stimulates muscle regeneration.

Based on the recent scientific data in physiology, biochemistry of metabolic processes and supplementation as well as deep knowledge of our scientists and many years of experience in the field it can be concluded that it is not quantity, but properly selected ingredients that determine the product quality and effectiveness.

What exactly do we offer? Here's the answer:

Glutamine Xplode means first and foremost absolute synergy of action.
All ingredients - L-glutamine and active ingredients of VIT-A-MIN SuperCharge formula complement one another and thus enhance their joint impact on the sportsperson's body metabolism. This is all meant to make your physical effort bring the fastest and most durable results.


you get optimum doses of L-glutamine and L-leucine - two of the strongest anti-catabolic agents with a strong and indirect impact on the anabolism of proteins that must be replenished after training.

But that is not all

L-cysteine, selenium, with the assistance of vitamin C in their innovative super advanced formula (PureWay-C�), will ensure a high level of glutathione synthesis, and a complex of vitamin B6, B12, folic acid and niacin will enhance the post-training protein synthesis even more.

VIT-A-MIN SuperCharge = VIT-Amines + A-MINo acids + MINerals

Why is supplementation with L-glutamine so important for the development of your muscles?

Protein is the basic ingredient of muscles. Muscle strength and mass depend on the quantity of accumulated proteins.

Nitrogen is an element typical of protein that does not occur either in lipids or in carbohydrates. The quantity of proteins accumulated in the muscles is thus measured with the quantity of nitrogen retained in the body, which is called the nitrogen balance. The higher the nitrogen balance - the "bigger and stronger the muscles".

Glutamine is the basic nitrogen storage and carrier. Glutamine supplies nitrogen to the muscles, where it is built into amino acids and protein, or stimulates anabolic processes.
When other organs or tissues need nitrogen, they take it from the muscular tissue. At that stage muscle proteins decompose, which is called catabolism, while their nitrogen is transported onto glutamine, which carries the element to other tissues. However, if in a similar case the body has enough resources of ready glutamine, it supplies nitrogen to the tissues and muscle protein catabolism does not occur.

Taking ready glutamine e.g. in the form of a sports supplement, ensures a high value of nitrogen balance, i.e. the internal body environment that is favourable for anabolic processes but simultaneously impedes catabolic ones.

Tests on humans showed the high efficiency of glutamine impact on improving nitrogen (protein) turnover in the body. Nevertheless, tests on sportspeople showed that a positive impact on the nitrogen balance translates into development of brawn - but a bit less than had been expected.
With regard to its unique role in nitrogen turnover, glutamine participates in a number of metabolic routes connected with anabolic and catabolic processes. Anyway, it always remains one of the elements of each route. Deficiency of other elements can limit the efficiency of glutamine action for sportspeople's brawn, despite the proven effectiveness in improving protein turnover.

Science and Olimp Labs specialists come to the aid.


GLUTAMINE XPLODE with VIT-A-MIN SUPERCHARGE formula - innovative and comprehensive loading for L-glutamine

Glutamine versus vitamin B6.

A great part of consumed glutamine does not leave the alimentary tract but is "stopped" by intestinal cells and probiotic bacteria of human flora. Although the phenomenon, which has recently been thoroughly studied and discussed, is extremely beneficial for the correct functioning of the alimentary tract, it also reduces the quantity of metabolically active glutamine. Vitamin B6, which participates in transporting amino acids through the intestinal cells and contributes to an increase in glutamine intake from the alimentary tract, comes to the aid.
Vitamin B6 catalyses the process of nitrogen transmission through glutamine to anabolic mechanisms in the muscular cells.  
It also catalyses glutamine transformation in the brain, leading to the formation of neuroactive amino acids which have a favourable impact on the hypothalamus and pituitary. Under the influence of those interactions, the pituitary gland secretes a set of superior (trophic) hormones that creates a hormonal environment in the body, favourable for musculature development - a lot of anabolic somatropine and testosterone and little catabolic cortisol.

Glutamine versus folic acid, vitamin B12 and niacin.
Glutamine - with folic acid, vitamin B12 and niacin - participate in anabolic processes in the muscles, at the stage of nucleotide and nucleic acid synthesis, nuclear receptor bonding with anabolic hormones and anabolism co-regulators and genes, providing essential conditions for efficient cell division, whereas at the stage of amino acid bonding into protein particles, they assist in the synthesis of some amino acids and in controlling the formation and maturing of red blood cells.
Folic acid is also an essential factor for body growth and development, but it is also necessary - together with B6 and B12 vitamins - to ensure the correct use of cysteine. Moreover, vitamins from the B group play an important role in removing homocysteine � a by-product of cysteine metabolism - from the body.

Glutamine versus leucine.
Glutamine with leucine control signal routes of strong anabolic hormones such as insulin, insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and mechanical growth factor (MGF). The common impact of both amino acids on the route enzymes promotes identification of optimum proportions between catabolic and anabolic processes inside the muscle cells. The level of leucine and glutamine in the blood serves as information for the body on the muscular tissue decomposition and constitutes a direct signal for activating all anti-catabolic mechanisms in the body and intensifying protein synthesis.

Glutamine versus cysteine and glutathione.
Cysteine is supplied in the form of cysteine, or two connected cysteine particles, which remains completely indifferent to the action of digestive enzymes in the alimentary tract (trypsin and pepsin) and reaches the body cells in an unchanged form where it is reduced under the influence of one of the enzymes, and cysteine particles are released.
Glutamine and cysteine take part in the production of glutathione-tripeptide, which is the most important non-enzymatic anti-oxidising factor in the body. Some tests have shown that both glutamine and cysteine supplementation stimulate glutathione synthesis and lead to an increased level of it in the body.
Glutathione is an extremely important metabolically active compound which plays a part in key life processes. Glutathione controls anabolic processes at the stage of spatial protection structure creation, where sulphur atoms bond - twisting amino acid chains in a proper way. The way of twisting conditions, for example, the contraction of muscular fibres. Glutathione constantly penetrates protein structures, which ensures maintaining a constant level of the number of sulphur bonds, while each protein maintains its structure and functional character, e.g. contractile characteristics. It was recently discovered that the muscle protein-glutathione rate has to be maintained at a specified level and testosterone stimulates protein anabolism as much as it is allowed by glutathione resources.
Its unique characteristics allow for stabilizing lysosome membranes and impeding the uncontrolled release of catabolic enzymes responsible for protein and nucleic acid decomposition in a state of body exhaustion.
Glutathione acts in an anabolic way and more directly, activating some transcription factors - boosting genes to start protein synthesis. It also participates directly in transporting amino acids in the glutamyl-gamma cycle, which creates conditions for protein synthesis and ensures a positive nitrogen balance.
Glutathione effectively reduces the amount of cortisol and lactic acid but also increases the level of muscular glycogen, which promotes faster muscle regeneration and prepares the body for further exhaustive physical training in an effective and efficient way.

Glutathione versus selenium.

Selenium, together with cystein, forms an active centre of glutathione peroxidase � the enzyme responsible for glutathione renewal and maintaining a high level of metabolic activeness. According to research, selenium supplementation increases the glutathione peroxidase level and activeness.

Glutathione and vitamin C.
According to research, vitamin C (PureWay-C�) stimulates production and increases the glutathione level in the body. Moreover, together with glutathione, it activates appropriate transcription factors - boosting genes to start protein synthesis. Vitamin C, similar to selenium, forms an additional anti-oxidation resource, protecting muscular proteins against post-training damage, when regeneration is of primary importance and must not be broken in any sense.

GLUTAMINE XPLODE is an innovative challenge for your body metabolism
- it is a pharmaceutically pure free L-glutamine, composed from the ultra-modern Vit-A-MIN SuperCharge formula containing metabolically active compounds, from routes of anabolic and anti-catabolic L-glutamine activeness!!!

So, if you want a really comprehensive anti-catabolic preparation with strongly marked anabolic properties, Glutamine Xplode with ultra-modern VIT-A-MIN SuperCharge formula is just for you!


Glutamine � synergism with some selected active ingredients in anabolic protein processes.
1. Glutamine, vitamin B12, vitamin PP and folic acid impact the genes (DNA) initiating the transcription process � the first stage of protein anabolism.

2. As a result of transcription RNA is formed and takes part in translation � the next step of protein anabolism. Leucine plays an important role in the process as one of the transcription activating factors.

3. Translation consists in lengthening the protein chain by bonding other amino acids, originating, to a great degree, from glutamine transformation. Vitamin B6 is a co-factor of enzymes participating in the transformations.

4. Glutamine � with the assistance of cysteine, selenium and vitamin C � takes part in the synthesis of glutathione, one of the strongest natural anti-oxidants in the body. Moreover, glutathione takes part in post-translation modifications � the last stage of protein anabolism.

5. The newly formed contractile proteins are embedded in the muscle fibre structure and thus increase its mass and strength. Glutamine and glutathione protect the protein structure against degradation through their anti-catabolic activeness.

Avaliable Flavours:  pineapple, lemon, orange


Add 1 portion (10 g of powder � 20 measuring units = � scoop or 1 tablespoon) to 200 ml of water, once a day � before breakfast or after training or before sleep. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.


Nutrition value
1 portion (10g)
2 portions (20g)
per 100g
0 kcal / 0 kJ
0 kcal / 0 kJ
1 kcal / 4,18 kJ
0 g
0 g
0 g
0 g
0 g
0 g
of which sugars
0 g
0 g
0 g
0 g
0 g
< 0,1 g
of which saturated fatty acids
0 g
0 g
0 g
0 g
0 g
0 g
0,06 g
0,1 g
0,6 g
5,5 g
11 g
55 g
1,5 g
3 g
15 g
0,5 g
1 g
5 g
55 �g (*100%)
110 �g (*200%)
550 �g
Niacin 16 mg (*100%)
32 mg (*200%)
160 mg
Vit. B6 1,4 mg (*100%)
2,8 mg (*200%)
14 mg
Vit. B12 2,5 �g (*100%)
5 �g (*200%)
25 �g
Folic acid
200 �g (*100%)
400 �g (*200%)
2000 �g
Vit.C (PureWay-C�) 80 mg (*100%)
160 mg (*200%)
800 mg

Other ingredients:
55% L-glutamine, 19% Vit-A-min Supercharge (15% L-leucine, 2,5% cystine, 1,1% vit.C (microencapsulated L-ascorbic acid (PureWay-C�)), citrus bioflavonoids, 0,2% niacin (nicotinamide), 0,1% sodium selenite, 0,03% vit. B12 (cyanocobalamin), 0,02% vit. B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), 0,002% pteroylmonoglutamic acid - folic acid), aromas, acidity regulators � citric acid, sodium citrate; thickener � acacia gum, sweeteners � acesulfame K, sucralose, colour: riboflavin for lemon flavor, beta-carotene for orange flavor.

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