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BioTech USA - CREATINE pH-X (kre-alkalyn) - 210 caps. exp 03/18 LAST 1


Creatine molecules are treated with buffering agents increasing the pH to reach pH-X level. As a result of this process, the active substances pass through intact and absorb to the bloodstream. This means Creatine reaches your muscle cell at full strength.

BioTech USA Creatine pH-X is said to be ten times more effective than any other Creatine Monohydrate due to the pH-X value.

BioTech USA Creatine pH-X has no conversion which allows your muscle cells to absorb nearly 100% of the recommended serving size.

Creatine pH-X does not cause water retention.

By orally supplementing with BioTech USA Creatine pH-X, you can enhance your body’s storage levels of Creatine.


Creatine pHX had virtually no conversion which allows your muscle cells to absorb nearly 100% of the recommended serving size. Many women have avoided using conventional creatine in the past because they hated looking bloated. This is no longer a problem.       


Body builders like the effect of the water retention (cell volumization) that conventional creatine gives. For those formulating a product specifically designed to volumize the muscles like BioTech USA Creatine Transport or BioTech USA Creatine Phosphate Transport, because Creatine pHX does not cause water retention. Although, supplementing your body with Creatine pHX will make the trainer a lot stronger than using just conventional creatine. While Creatine pHX gives superior strength increases over conventional creatine, we all know that more water held in the muscles will also result in strength increases. Hence a combination product using both forms together (there is no problem in doing this) will result in greater strength increases than either by themselves.

The result will be a much greater strength increases, more pumps, more volumization and faster gains.



Take 2 capsules 10 minutes before training

For maximum effect take 8-10 capsules on an empty stomach, 80 minutes before workout, 20 minutes later (60 minutes before the workout) take100 g of glucose with a tall glass of water



Crea-alkatech (buffered creatine monohydrate)

-->  Nutrition value

2 caps

Buffered creatine monohydrate

1500 mg




0 g


0 g


0 g

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